Create a FREE Account
- Our Free Accounts have all the features of a subscription account.
- A Free Account provides 30 total QST attempts for your users.
- Each QST (Quiz,Survey,Test) attempt, subtracts 1 from your total.
- 5 MB of file space included.
- The account is valid for 30 days. Only one allowed every 2 months.
- Our cloud may sometimes be behind in features compared to our open source software - our focus is on the open source side.
- Our question converter is always the latest version. There are many styles of QTI, so let us know if it does not work for you.
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Email: *
I agree to the Terms and Conditions stated here.*
An Email will be sent to you with your information.
We do NOT retain nor share your email address.
Check your Spam or Junk folder if the email is not in your inbox.